Desco - 2 Station wriststrap and workstation tester

Desco - 2 Station wriststrap and workstation tester

19350, Desco - 2 Station wriststrap and workstation tester

Desco - 2 Station wriststrap and workstation tester

  • 36-19350
  • Desco
  • Call Customer Service
  • Call Customer Service
  • Connects to utility ground when plugged in
  • Quick, easy installation and grounding of both wrist straps and table mats.
  • Tests entire circuit - wrist strap, cord and skin contact
  • Acts as common point ground for the worksurface
  • Test performed during normal use at workstation
  • Improved productivity, workers test without having to leave the workstation
  • Includes Adapter
  • Range: 750 Kilohms - 10 Megohms
  • NIST Calibrated 

Made in the United States of America

“Compliance verification should be performed prior to each use (daily, shift change, etc.). The accumulation of insulative materials may increase the foot grounder system resistance. If foot grounders are worn outside the ESD protected area testing for functionality before reentry to the ESD protected area should be considered.” (ESD SP9.2 APPENDIX B - Foot Grounder Usage Guidance)

“A log should be maintained which verifies that personnel have tested their personal grounding devices.” (ANSI/ESD S20.20 Paragraph Personnel Grounding Guidance)

“Frequency of Functional Testing: The wrist strap system should be tested daily to ensure proper electrical value. Nominally, the upper resistance reading should be < or = 10 megohms or a user-defined value.” (ANSI/ESD S1.1-2006 Annex A3)